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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Madonna Gym: Hard Rock Candy in Mexico City

Singer Madonna has unveiled a brand new fitness center over in Mexico City, Mexico. The new Madonna gym is seductively titled "Hard Rock Candy," and according to a recent report by MSNBC, Madonna may be in for a fight to get it operational.

While the gym may provide a great fitness environment with one of the top celeb names behind it, it lacks a security plan and a land use permit. MSNBC is reporting that the gym will have until Friday to get the proper paperwork submitted for permits. They also need to prove they have adequate parking. Madonna, get your people on it!

Clearly one person who stays in great shape is singer Madonna, who seems to age gracefully. Wondering how Madonna kept in shape all those years? It was thanks to personal trainer Pat Manocchia, who also is famous for dating Julia Roberts and currently runs an $8,000 a year fitness complex of his own in Manhattan.

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