New York Finds True Love?
Although it's taken other reality show stars several seasons of crushed hopes for true romance, VH1's reality diva New York appears to have found it. On Season 2 of I Love New York, the winner of the show was suave businessman "Tailor Made". The reunion show revealed that the new couple was truly in love and New York even accepted an engagement ring. Recent internet rumors claimed that New York was out and about with other men. had reported on January 7th that New York wanted to do a new "I Love New York" show as her relationship with Tailor Made had ended. The good news is that VH1 has reported as of 2 days ago that Tiffany "New York" Pollard and George "Tailor Made" Weisgerber. There's also no plans to do a third season as of now. So that might leave the door open for Midget Mac to have his own show after all! (Source: Google News) In other news, there will be a Season 3 of Flavor of Love, Season 2 of Rock of Love and Season 2 of Shot of Love (Tila Tequila's show). Labels: I Love New York, Midget Mac, MTV/VH1/BET, News
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