MTV's Real World Cancun, Parties On...
![]() (MTV's Real World Cancun Cast) It's time for the new MTV roomies to start getting real! Real World Cancun officially kicked off Wednesday night with a cast of 8 roommates sent to Mexico. The 8th member was selected via an internet voting contest and joins in on the fun. Her name is Ayiiia and she speaks Spanish. Should come in handy, unless they decide to kick her out for not being selected the old fashioned way... Episode 1 was as unreal as it could get. The roommates all arrived to a traditional Mexican outdoor restaurant table to share some food and fun while getting to know each other. Two of the roommates already know each other as they both work together at a bar in Arizona...Isn't that against Real World Rules? No friends allowed! Anyhow the mealtime conversation included some great icebreakers such as "Ok so who's the gay person here?"...and- "I'm 25% black" and "I have anxiety and ADHD", "I'm bi-polar", "Cool, I'm a sociopath".. "Oh really shut up! me too!" It's good to get everything out in the open early on... ![]() (Ayiiia, Jasmine, Emilee and Jonna) And now for our cast members so far.... Jasmine Reynaud is a petite yet outspoken and energetic Texas girl. She and Ayiiia Elizarraras, the internet cast member, snuck into their male roommate's room during Ep 1 to observe him having sex. Derek Chavez and Jonna Mannion are the two friends from Arizona. Derek's the sole gay cast member (although the females never stay completely straight). Jonna is the one who has a promise piercing through her finger to show her commitment to her boyfriend back home. Yet all the males in the house are taking bets on if it'll work out... Bronne Bruzgo (like the paper towels) is a dude from PA who formerly worked in the art department as a nude model. He seems to be the fun-loving jokester of the bunch. Joke was on him in the first show as he hooked up with Sharon Osborne's twin in a night club. Turns out it was the mother of a girl another castmate was hooking up with just a few feet away. Emilee Fitzpatrick is a young 20 year old brunette girl from Boston, Massachusetts, who also used to work at Hooters. She gets offended in the first episode when someone challenges her notions of why old men hangout at Hooters. Christian "CJ" Koegel is the blond hunk hearthrob guy that most of the girls have already admitted an attraction to. He's got a girl back home who's planning a visit, but he has to confess he had a snuggle night with Emilee. The girlfriend becomes upset at him for not choosing a couch over his female roomie's bed. A few emails back and forth, and CJ's a free man for Cancun... ![]() (Bronne, Joey, Derek, CJ) The outrageous rock-star, Joey Rozmus, seems to be MTV's casting attempt at finding another "Puck" (Real World San Diego). Complete with tattoos and piercings coupled with the speak his mind say whatever attitude, this guy's gonna cause some friction. In his brief time in Cancun he's already made a bet for 500 pesos that the only girl in the house who's not single will break her boyfriend's heart. On Episode 1 we discover that he gets drunk easily, as he's the first casualty on the roommates' first night out. He's also the first roomie to score, as he brings back a cool chick from the club.. And yes, he even bought a braided mannequin head from a random lady on the beach for all the money in his wallet. Expect spitting and snot rockets to follow in future episodes...(In fact this preview clip tells it all) And if all the cast member drama won't be enough, the new kids in Cancun will be providing Spring Break tours and fun for college party animals....Looks like another volatile, wild and crazy season in the making here...Can you see it now? Real World Mars coming Fall 2010... See videos, photos and news about Real World Cancun at Labels: Commentary, MTV/VH1/BET, Real World, Reality TV, TV Shows
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