Jay-Z on Oprah Winfrey's Show
![]() (Jay shows Oprah how it's done on the M-I-C) Rap star and business media mogul Jay-Z was featured as a guest on Oprah's show this past Thursday. Oprah made a visit to Jay-Z's Marcy Projects for part of the interview and also had the rapper in studio as well. Jay remarked how astonishing it was to have Oprah standing in the projects with him years later. Jay also told stories of life growing up on the streets, getting involved in the drug game, and his father's leaving early on in his life. Oprah asked if Jay-Z ever did drugs in all the years he was dealing and Jay gave a vehement "No". Oprah said she heard good dealers never do drugs and Jay quipped "they got that idea from Scarface". It became a mob scene when Jay and Oprah hit the streets of Marcy projects as crazy fans showed up. Jay said his relationship with Beyonce is the one sacred thing he can keep out of the public eye, which is why the two of them rarely speak about each other to the media. Oprah also took an in-depth look at Jay's business ventures at Jay's Rocawear headquarters in Manhattan. Jay-Z said he still gets a "wow" feeling when he steps off the elevator and sees the "Rocawear" sign on the wall. Jay told Oprah he feels he has such a passion for what he does and that's how he got where he is now. Oprah also brought up the Rihanna-Chris Brown domestic violence situation. Jay-Z said Rihanna can grow from that situation and become a hero for other young people going through similar problems. Oprah also brought up that she tends to not support rap music due to misogynistic lyrics and the use of the "N" word to which Jay said the current generation has taken the power out of the word, using it more as a term of endearment. The segment closed out with Jay delivering a bit of a freestyle rap, trying to educate Oprah on how to rap. Watch it here Jay-Z Oprah Rap Lyrics"Little boy from Brooklyn made it to the Sty, Little girl from down South made it to the Chi, Only goes to show that the limit is the sky If life gives you lemons than you make lemon pie" Jay-Z is featured in the pages of the October issue of O magazine as well. Labels: Beyonce Knowles, Chris Brown, Interviews, Jay-Z, News, Oprah, Rappers, Rihanna, Rocawear
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